What is Radical Responsibility?

Ines Cunha
2023. 11. 22.

The topic of Radical Responsability has been crossing my path in the last months. I started by exploring the concept and understanding how this could be applyed to my life and my work.

I have found out that I can easily create stories that support my perspective and loose my thoughts in this stories. I started to see the concept of “radical responsability” as a doorway to go beyond blame, to give up on the “victim game” and acept that there is no one else to blame.

This perspective invites us to go further into a significant level of maturity before we can claim radical responsibility and act accordingly. We need to let go the concepts of “fairness” and “security” when we claim radical responsibility because being absolutely responsible is neither fair nor secure. I see it as a leap of faith on myself, my skills, my strenghts, my vulnerability.

Could you imagine a life where there is no such thing as a problem? Because “there is a problem” is a story that you or someone created. Irresponsibility is an illusion. We you declare your full responsability in the results you create in your life, the results might change and no more stories are allowed. Be prepared for the raw truth about yourself, your choices and the hidden spaces within you that you have been avoiding for so long.

As trainer, I see the “Radical Responsability” approach as an invitation to be fully present and responsable for the learning experience created for the participants and the team. It is also a principle that could bring many possibilities to the sustainability of the “training community” during an immersive experience.

It is a roller coaster of emotions and a life changing game. I believe it is worth it and invite you to try out!

More info here: https://possibilitymanagement.org/home

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