The Video Volunteers (ViVo) project focused on media literacy and volunteering in a European context emphasising on the participation of disadvantaged youth. The objective of the project was to promote social participation through non-formal, local and international, online and offline activities. We realised trainings for multipliers, flash mobs, exchange for disadvantaged youth, participatory video making groups, peer educators’ meeting, focus group interviews, online video channel, conference and publications on the methodology and results. The Hungarian, Slovak, Greek, Spanish and Italian partnership reached more than 1000 youth directly (and close to 20000 young people and professionals indirectly) from which 300 was actively continuously creating informational media. 150 youth workers and peer educators were trained and supported to practice skills to combine social, youth work and info-communication technologies to effectively represent the interest of young people and youth structures. This is a sustainable action towards creating solidarity with those who fall outside of the scope of a media and information landscape dominated by commercial, entertainment media.
Thorough the project we achieved to develop and practice new media literacy methodologies connected to human rights targeting disadvantaged youth, realised 3 publications on it, reached not only EU but partner countries with our results, involved youth from various difficult background and created more than 75 videos generating new and innovative messages, for social activism, throughout the whole project. Additionally, the project provided platform, skills and playground for youth who are not represented in the media or appear as passive outsiders of various communities.