The P2P CE project aims to engage communities with limited access to international networks, helping them reflect upon, co-create, and build a more inclusive future around common goals and shared values. The objective of the P2P CE project is to establish a proof of concept under three key themes: Social Development; Community/Applied Arts; Schools and Core Skills. The British Council is entering into this Agreement with the Supplier for the provision of Services in relation to the Social Development strand in Hungary. The activity under Social Development strand will focus on Hungary’s northeast region, namely the counties of Borsod, Heves, Nógrád and Szabolcs-Szatmár.
Egyesek Ideas Lab joined to this concept by delivering a 3-days workshop for local NGOs and active youth. The aim of the workshop was to bring together young people of different backgrounds from 3 different regions of Hungary, to facilitate discussions on social innovations and introducing them key concepts and techniques of its implementation, as a result to develop solutions to relevant social issues in the local communities.
The project was financed by British Council.