Coaching for Creativity

9-day Coaching for Creativity trained 27 youth workers (volunteers, educators, leaders) from 11 organizations. #YouthWork


Reference numbers: 20910224 / HU-43-002-2009-R2

Donors: Visegrad Fund / EACEA

Content: The theme of this project was COACHING, its relevance and opportunities in the development of YOUTH WORK in Europe and in the countries of the Visegrád 4. We looked at opportunities and exchanged experience of using coaching as a method in the long-term support of young people and their community initiatives: EVS, youth initiatives, organisatonal development, long-term projects, local community development, support of youth, volunteers and leaders.

Coaching for Creativity was a training course of 9 days, for 27 participants, organised by 11 organisations. The target group was people active in youth work: young volunteers, peer educators, representatives of student councils, youth workers, mentors, coaches, counsellors, youth leaders, trainers in the youth field, colleagues of the local government youth departments. The theme was COACHING and YOUTH WORK. The purpose was to improve the personal and professional awareness of the participants, by this to improve the quality of their youth work and the quality of the support they give to youth and their projects.

Link for project result on Visegrad Fund website



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