Trainings and a youth exchanges

Table of Contents
Training courses

In this article, you can read about what we mean by training courses and youth exchanges, who we recommend them to and about the topics we work with in general.

The specificity of our programmes is that they take place in an international context, mainly with the support of the Erasmus+ programme - enabling intercultural learning, and the exchange of good practices and experiences across borders. 

We have a varied portfolio of training programmes covering topics such as self-awareness and self-development, training of trainers and facilitators, transfer of new and innovative methods and, above all, community building. Our aim with the trainings is to support youth professionals across Europe, contributing to our vision.

Training courses

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Our training programs are designed to provide professional and personal development opportunities for young people and professionals working with young people in all forms. 

Our learning programmes for youth work professionals, members of youth organisations, volunteers and people actively involved with young people, are open to people over 18. Whether it's our self-awareness or methodological trainings, it's important for us that participants can put into practice and actively use the tools and approaches they have learned when they return home in their own work or volunteering context - this is an important criterion in our selection process.

Our trainings are delivered at different levels, there are programmes (e.g. methodological training on a toolkit or our self-awareness training) where it is not expected that the candidates have any experience in the given topic.

An exception to this is our facilitator training programme, where the criterion for joining the programme is that the applicant has experience in leading groups and facilitation, which the training programme can then build on.

As a significant part of our training is in English, with the involvement of foreign professionals, working-level English is essential for these programmes.

Our current training portfolio (not exhaustive):

  • personal development training
  • trainings for facilitators
  • methodological trainings
    • improvisation, theatre methods
    • design thinking
    • movement, dance
    • coaching
    • media

Youth exchanges


These programmes are mainly for young people (16-25 years old), with a focus on community building and empowering young people. Our Youth Exchanges usually last 10-12 days, with groups of 5-6 participants from 6-8 countries, usually based on a common interest or theme (e.g. entrepreneurship, performing arts, nature, etc.)

The programmes are experiential and playful, allowing participants to discover through stories and situations how much they can do and how much power they have over their own lives. Some of the programme elements take place in the real world - we believe that practical, real-life experience stays with young people for much longer.

These programmes are specifically designed for young people who speak no or less English - although English is the primary language of communication, the programme is designed so that this is not a barrier for anyone!

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