Internal Partnership Agreement

Table of Contents
General responsibilities and tasks of the Parties

Terms and Conditions

between Egyesek Youth Association and sending organisations

This document is the basis of the cooperation between the receiving/coordinating and the sending organisation aiming to realize a high-quality Erasmus+ project. Parties agree to all terms declared below, they completely understand its content and commit themselves to follow them.

General responsibilities and tasks of the Parties

All Parties (Sending, Receiving and Coordinating organisations) acknowledge and agree that they are all equally responsible for carrying out the Project based on:

  • the application,
  • Contractual guidelines given by the National Agency of the Coordinating organisation,
  • applicable laws of the coordinating and receiving organisation countries.

Therefore, the Internal Partnership Agreement declares the responsibilities, financial divisions and roles of the Parties.

Sending organisation's specific responsibilities and tasks:

1. Inform the Coordinating organisation within 72 hours if:

  • any circumstance(s) occurs which may cause delay or has a significant effect on the Project realization and these circumstance(s) are known by Partner(s),
  • there is a change in Partners’ or any of its project-related partners’ name, address, legal representative(s); legal, financial, technical, organisational, ownership status and/or condition(s).

2. Provide documents demanded by the Contractual guidelines within 72 hours:

  • reports, financial data or other documents which are needed for the quality realization of the Project,
  • all original documents in case of request related to inspection, monitoring or audit checks by any of national or international authorized institutions (National and Executive Agency, OLAF, National Ministries etc.),
  • any other information declared by Contractual Guidelines or requested by authorities.

Coordinating organisation's specific responsibilities and tasks:

  • Supervise the activities of the Project as it is demanded by the Contract,
  • Mediate between the National Agency and Partners during the communication,
  • Inform the National Agency in case there is a change in any of the Coordinating organisation’s or Partners’ or related other partner organisations’ data, such as: name, address, legal representatives or legal, financial, technical, organisational, ownership status. As well, if there is any event which may change, delay or have an effect on the realization of the Project and the Coordinating organisation is aware of it,
  • Responsible for providing all information and documents which the National Agency requests. In case the National Agency needs document(s) from the Partners it is the responsibility of the Coordinating organisation to collect and examine them before sending them to the National Agency,
  • Ensures to obtain financial guarantees if it is necessary,
  • Submit the final payment receipt to the National Agency,
  • Ensures eligible payments are done without unjustified delay,
  • Coordinating organisation completes payments by bank transfer and keeps all necessary documentation, receipts for later checks,
  • Responsible for providing all necessary information and documentation in case of financial, monitoring, audit or any other inspections.

Communication between Partners

Receiving and sending organisations agree to assign contact persons who are in charge of smooth, prompt and quality communication. The contact persons are obliged to follow these rules:

  • report in case of changing the contact details (person, address, phone, e-mail, skype) within 72 hours,
  • contact if participants withdraw from the project within 24 hours,
  • reachable through post, phone, and e-mail
  • able to respond within 72 hours mainly through e-mail,
  • provide a replacement who can respond within 72 hours, in case the original contact person is not available,
  • use of official logos and connected texts of the parties and European Commission following the contractual guidelines: Erasmus+: Visual identity and logos

In case of violation of these rules, both party has the right to make a reminder, if there is no response after the reminder:

  • Receiving/Coordinating organisation has the right to change partners,
  • The sending organisation has the right to quit the project.

Selection process

The receiving organisation has the right to make an open call at any moment of the project. Candidates apply through an online application form provided by the Receiving organisation. 

The receiving organisation is allowed to ask for additional documents which is necessary for the evaluation of the profile of the participants and/or to comply with legal procedures. For example: ID or Passport scan, CV, motivation letter etc. Specific requirements will be communicated in the recruitment phase of the Project preparation.

The sending organisation is obliged to find eligible candidates with fitting profiles and support the applicants to complete the online application form provided by the Receiving organisation.

Candidates are applying directly to the Receiving organisation, the sending organisation has the right to access the candidates' application forms upon request.

The final selection is made by the Receiving organisation.

Pre-caution of vacant placements (cancellations):

The sending organisation shall keep at least 1 candidate on the waiting list to replace candidates who cancel their participation after the application is completed.

Parties understand that the Hungarian National Agency does NOT allow the Coordinating organisation to change partners from different countries than the original ones indicated in the application. Therefore Sending organisations have increased responsibility to find suitable participants.

Parties agree to promote the project to find participants using the full reach of the organisation. Recommended channels are e-mail to relevant contacts of the sending organisation, homepage, Facebook, Instagram, Eurodesk, National Agency etc.

Check out our infographic about how to do effective promotion of projects!

Timeline for changing Sending organisation:

1. Until 2 months before the start date of the activity:
The sending organisation has the right to stay as a partner in the project even if the participant has been found by an open call or by another sending organisation.
Example: Activity starts 1st of May. Until the 1st of March receiving/coordinating organisation can not change the partner even if the participant’s application has not been received yet.

2. After 2 months before the start date of the activity:
The receiving organisation has the right to change partners in case the participant has been found by another sending organisation.
Example: Activity starts 1st of May. After 1st of March receiving organisation has to right to change the partner in case the original partner did not fulfil the obligations written in this Internal Partnership Agreement.

*In case APV is organized the first date of the activity is the first day of the APV!

Disclaimer regarding the partnership

In case major obstacles arise for specific countries which prevents the partner organisations from sending participants. E.g. COVID-19 virus outbreak, civil unrest, war, climate catastrophe, etc. Egyesek holds the right to add partners to the project to be able to implement it. Egyesek will always explore the situation and communicate it first with the partners and will seek a common agreement. In case it is possible and necessary Egyesek will support the partner organisation within its resources.

Support for the participants

Sending organisation:

  • Undertake to provide adequate preparation to the participants informing them about the content and practical aspects of the project in at least 1 personal meeting,
  • Available during the project in case participants or Receiving organisations need support,
  • Organize at least 1 personal follow-up meeting where the reintegration of the participants is supported and the results are evaluated,
  • Upon request provide documentation about the personal preparation and follow-up meetings,
  • Support in travel, visa and residence permit arrangements, following the reimbursement rules declared in this document,
  • Ensure that participants have proper insurance. EU member EU health insurance card or equal, non-EU participants separated insurance with sufficient coverage.

Receiving/Coordinating organisation:

  • Provide complete information about content and programme, dates, contacts, accommodation, food, travel, etc,
  • Organize high-quality activities complying with the grant application, contracts and applicable law,
  • Ensure professional implementation by assigning experts to carry out the program elements,
  • Apply safety measures in case of emergency,
  • Provide decent living and working circumstances,
  • Involve participants in the visibility and dissemination of the project,
  • Ensure sufficient funds to implement the project, and coordinate the process of obtaining co-financing.

Visa and/or residence permit procedure

Parties acknowledge that the visa procedure has to be done on time since it can take even 2 months to obtain the visa and/or residence permit.

Sending organisation:

  • provide up-to-date information for the participants about the visa process and national specifications,
  • send a copy of the ID or Passport of the participant to the receiving organisation to create the invitation letter,
  • give a list of needed documents to the participant and the host organisation,
  • create sign, and stamp documents in case it is needed,
  • help to make an appointment with the relevant institution,
  • contact relevant institutions to support the process.

Receiving / Coordinating organisation:

  • send obligatory documentation to the participants in English, signed, stamped, scanned and if it is needed by post (invitation letter),
  • send additional documentation upon request in English signed, stamped, scanned and if it is needed by post (support letter, copy of grant contract, land register paper, premises contract, certificate of residency, Volunteer Agreement etc.),
  • upon request provide Hungarian versions of the documentation
  • contact relevant institutions to support the process.

Travel reimbursement

Travel reimbursement will be done by the Coordinating organisation when the following criteria are fulfilled:

  • Sent participant(s) participated in the whole Activity,
  • All original travel documents have been uploaded digitally before the agreed deadline,
  • Bank details are provided by the participant,
  • Online evaluation generated by the Beneficiary Module is completed by every participant,

The coordinating organisation makes the transfers directly to participants. The final total amount for travel reimbursement depends on the exchange rates that the involved banks are applying.

For detailed information please read our travel reimbursement guide here: LINK

Division of the EU grant

Partners understand that the basic principle of EU grants is that the grant contributes to the overall budget of the approved projects, and does not cover them fully. This means that the partners all must contribute both financially and in kind to the realization of the project's high quality. Partners understand that the grant program has eligibility criteria and regulations concerning the number, age, travel arrangements and travel documentation of participants, that must be respected. These criteria are described in the Users’ Guide of the Programme, of the actual year. Users’ Guides are available here:

Partners understand that the financial reporting has to be done according to the regulations of the Erasmus+ Programme and the related Hungarian legislation and laws. Flexibility on these rules can not be asked or expected.

Partner organisations are confirming that they have read and understood the rules above and they commit themselves to follow them, including the Travel Reimbursement Guidelines.

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