
An advanced personal development journey that enables you to meet yourself again from a different ​perspective and find your full potential. The LifeCore experience is here for you to create a new context for yourself to live the life you wished to live.

We live our lives in specific moods and this defines anything what we do and how we lead our own life. During the program you will experience how you can change these moods and with what kind of techniques you can master them so that the quality of your life increases. ​ You will have the opportunity to discover what kind of behaviours and attitudes support you in reaching your goals and creating successes and which ones are not useful for you anymore. ​ You will experience your own freedom, confidence and high level of awareness and understanding of your own power and fulfilment. Through the experience and knowledge you acquire during this program, you create results for yourself that will influence all areas of your life.

5 dynamic days of intense experiences

Decisions and Choices

You will define what you want to focus on. Based on your own values and feedback of others you will have a full picture about how you define yourself. Who I really am? How do I define myself? What games I play that I might be not even aware of anymore?


Do I live my own life or I constantly live for fulfilling others’ expectations? How do I express my own needs and wishes for myself and to the others around me? Do I say and show the ‘real me’? ​Do I persist or tend to give up half way?


How can I maximize my energy regardless to any circumstances and how can I utilize this? How do I handle emotions? ​ ​Am I able to express myself truly and to share my core with other human beings?

Joy and self-expression

How can I live and experience pure joy? How do I create possibilities to purely express myself? ​How can I connect with my inner power and express and show it to anyone anytime?


How do I create real experience for myself and for people around me? How can I hold the space for myself and others? What do I do with my own freedom?


Based on participants' feedback, the program provides the following outcomes: a deepened self-awareness, realization of negative beliefs, patterns and games you play in your everyday life - and how to leave all these behind to fulfil your dreams. You will have the unique chance to unleash your potential in a small community of people who all come with the same intention - to discover themselves and hold the space for each other.

This experience is for you if you:

Desire for acceptance
Strive for deep awareness
Want tools to master your moods
Want to find the source of your success
Connect with your true inner self
Search for ways for your inner harmony

You will:


your emotions more effectively

be able

to represent your own interests and opinion


with people


your emotions more clearly and naturally


new possibilities to create harmony for yourself


The methodology of the program is based on participatory processes and experiential learning. It contains coaching elements - confrontative and transformational coaching - and NLP methods. There are very few lectures and a lot of intense individual processes in the group context. ​ The processes of the program are intense and might be emotionally challenging. LifeCore can be the next step for you in your personal development process, if you have already taken part in one of the programs in our network, namely: Basic Synergy/First Step Synergy training. It is not a requirement, that you participate in any programs mentioned above before joining LifeCore.


Ground rules

It is crucial to have ground rules to create a safe and common base to everyone in the group. The rules are going to be stated before the program and everyone will be asked to agree with them.

Role plays and simulations​

You will participate in different role plays and simulations individually and in the group as well, which gives you a chance to experience and discover different behaviours that might be unknown to you so far and bring you new perspectives.

​Group sharing

One of the most important features of the program is the safe place and community of a small group of people where through our own sharing we can connect and/or simply hold the space for each other. There will be sharing in small and big groups as well where you can share your own experience and reflect on how to use it in your life.

​Personal interactions ​and coaching

Most of the learning experience will happen during interpersonal connections: you are constantly in contact with other participants of the program. This also helps to re-examine your own attitudes and behavior patterns. The role of the trainer is to support you to reach your goals with feedback and personal coaching on the spot.

Other processes

​There will be some ‘homework’ besides the processes that will help you to reflect and clarify certain questions you are busy with regarding to your own personal processes.

Viktória Csákány

​Viktória Csákány has solid experience in coaching and personal development. She believes that all people have all the resources to live their full potential and they just need to find a way to use it. She is passionate about people and witnessing their constant growth. She has a diploma in social sciences, is an NLP Master Practitioner and currently studies mental health consulting. In the last 8 years, she has specialized in personal development and group coaching with a life coaching background. She has been working on and leading these programs for 6 years in English and in Hungarian as well.

Afonso Bértolo

​Afonso Bértolo is a nomadic educator, with a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology. Since 2009 he has been involved in educational programs in the areas of personal development, coaching, body awareness, communication, leadership, training and mentoring of trainers. Guided by the core values of Love, Creation, and Inspiration he aims to create educational circumstances where people can grow at personal and professional levels.

Participant said after the program

It is a possibility for self-reflection, improvement ​and a kind of light in the monotonic everyday life.

People dancingRajmund

I simply call it FREEDOM.

two youth in a workshopZéneb

It gave me courage, self-acceptance ​and thousands of perspectives.


Deepwater, uplifting, liberating!


The power is in me!


It was a roller-coaster and liberating experience.”




Early bird price until 15th of January: 595 € Full price: 700 € [Supporting price*: 800 €]


LifeCore will take place in Creative Space, Hollókő, Hungary.


Food will be provided according to dietary needs. Coffee, tea and fruits will be available during all days.


The language of the program is easy-to-understand English.

Discover your inner power and find your full potential!

Apply now!