
Outreaching young people with fewer opportunities and connect them to the labour market to organisations and companies which are open to work with them.


Incorpora Hungary was initiated jointly by ERSTE Foundation and “la Caixa” Foundation and adapted to local conditions. It was launched in Budapest in June 2016, with a 9-month preparation phase that included the careful selection of those NGOs that are part of the programme. The non-profit project partners in this project are: Civil Impact, Shelter Foundation, Motivation Foundation, Salva Vita Foundation, GAK Nonprofit and Jó-Lét Foundation. Each NGO focuses on a certain target group. The following target groups are included: disabled people, homeless people, disadvantaged youth, disadvantaged women and people living in poverty. 

Egyesek Youth Association's role was to outreach young people with fewer opportunities and with the support of the project connect them to the labour market to organisations and companies which are open to work with them.

Official website of Incorpora programme

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