We are pleased to announce that the Youth of Szécsény youth participation project, supported by the European Union, has officially started on 1 September. Over the next year, our goal is to involve the youth of Nógrád County in our programmes and community activities.
This year we managed to buy an old building in Szécsény, which we started to renovate together with our volunteers during the summer. Our aim is to create an inspiring youth center where local young people can meet, develop and become a part of a community.
Why is this project important?
We want young people from Szécsény and the surrounding area to play an active role in local society, to participate in the life of the city and to make their voices heard. To achieve this, we will organise events together to help young people geting involved in society.
Throughout the year, project participants will not only learn about active citizenship but also about the European Union's youth programmes. They will also have the opportunity to develop their language skills with the help of international volunteers.
How can you get involved?
If you are interested, join us and be part of our community!
Look for us on the Egyesek Ifiház pages on Facebook or Instagram for more details!