Egyesek continues to empower young people
In this article, we invite you to celebrate the successes of our strategic project and get a peek behind the curtains of the past few years of our international educational projects.
With Egyesek we have been dedicated to empowering young people for over 25 years. Our Erasmus+ Accreditation 2022 in the field of youth was one of the main tools for bringing the vision of Egyesek into reality between 2022 and 2024 - supporting young people in becoming capable and accountable citizens, by discovering their strengths and resources, using them consciously for building their personal and professional lives based on values of care, cooperation, peace and freedom.
Our project brought to life various activities that worked in unison to support youth workers and young people. These activities included youth exchanges, training courses, and other formats of professional development opportunities, such as seminars and community-building and networking events.
Through this project, we aimed to strengthen youth work both locally and internationally, providing opportunities for young people and youth workers to grow, learn and connect.
Our impact - highlights of our project
We worked in total with 42 partner organisations from and beyond Europe in the Accreditation 2022, which we find a great added value and success for the project, as we could maintain a balance between working with our trusted, long-term partners from the international networks we are part of (Alliance and CCIVS), but also created the space to include new partners, reaching new countries, communities and individuals. We always strive for high-quality management regarding the implementation of our activities, and we want to thank all of our partners for cooperating with us and supporting Egyesek in reaching some many young people and youth workers.
In total, we organised 15 activities, with a total of 311 participants - out of which, we had 2 youth exchanges (short-period international opportunities for young people to experience how to live together and work on shared projects) and 13 mobility activities for youth workers (trainings and seminars to contribute to the development of youth work in Europe.

DreamShapers 3.0 - This youth exchange (YE) focused on entrepreneurial skills, intercultural community-building and empowering young people with fewer opportunities to find their strengths and be able and ready to turn their ideas into actions with 44 participants from 8 countries.
Update: Since then, DreamShapers 4.0 happened already and DreamShapers 5.0 is planned for summer 2025.
Glee It Up! - This youth exchange introduced the basics of performing arts by using tools and methods from arts (storytelling, theatre, movement and music) to bring joy and well-being to individuals and communities with 31 participants from 6 countries.
Update: Glee it Up! Again took place in 2024 and it’s planned for summer 2025.

What our participants say:
“Just do it! You will learn a lot about yourself and also you will have a lot of fun.”
“It was one of the greatest weeks of my life, the people, music, dance, everything was there and I felt like I belonged there!”
“If you love arts and want to experience something new, just go - I am sure you will not regret it!”
Changemakers - The flagship training course of Egyesek, focused on personal development and self-reflection. This training was there for youth work professionals to reflect on their values, mindsets and attitudes mainly about leading groups or working with young people. Within the project, we organised this training twice with a total of 58 participants. We are proud to share that Changemaker 7.0 is coming in 2025.

Participants have said:
“It is an amazing, challenging, interesting program in which you have the chance to experience a life-time adventure and create a breakthrough in your life. It's a beautiful experience and an opportunity for powerful connection and lifetime friendship.”
“Once in a lifetime experience to have.” Info about the past Changemaker 6.0.
In 2023 and 2024 we have also welcomed new topics in our training portfolio, including sustainability and design thinking - intending to bring methods, approaches and mindsets from the business world closer to the reality and context of youth work professionals, such as Sustainers (focused on sustainable lifestyles), Unlocked (design thinking in youth work) or Designed For Life (career planning methods for youth work professionals).
The success of this project is also acknowledged by Tempus Public Foundation as the project has been marked as a Good Practice.

Ready to join us?
We believe that the spaces for learning and developing we offer have a transformative power for young people and youth workers.
Within our Accreditation 2022 we have not only helped young people develop their skills and confidence but also contributed to a stronger, more connected youth work community in Hungary and on an international level as well.
We look forward to creating even more opportunities for young people to develop—both within our local community in Nógrád and on a global scale with our partners.
Keep an eye on our future projects and be ready to learn and grow with us! Check out our next trainings and youth exchanges here: