Meeting of returned volunteers

If you were on a workcamp (IVS or ESC) in 2023 join our reflection workshop to deepen your experience!


If you participated this summer in an international volunteering workcamp or ESC project, let's join us for a reflection workshop!

Hope you have enjoyed the work, met new friends and learned a lot during those weeks. Now we would like to invite you for a follow-up workshop to meet other volunteers from Hungary, to reflect on your experience, and to discuss findings and future volunteering opportunities. After the workcamp season, this will be a more informal gathering with some training activities and snacks. :)

The event is part of the K-SPACE project which strives for systematic work with volunteers returning from domestic and foreign workcamps and on which organizations from the Czech Republic (INEX-SDA), Germany (IBG) and Hungary (Egyesek) cooperate. It is implemented with the contribution of the Erasmus + program for supporting mobility in the field of education.

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